Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT)

Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT)

After a certain age, there comes a point where you may notice that you no longer feel like your younger self. Without warning, you realize you no longer have the energy you once did to get through the day, or less mental clarity to focus on your tasks. Perhaps you’re frequently enduring hot flashes and mood swings, or notice your libido just isn’t what it used to be. Many individuals are quick to write-off these changes as a natural part of the aging process, but these symptoms can also be an indicator of declining hormone levels.

Given the sensitive nature of these changes, many women and men are hesitant to share their concerns with their healthcare provider or are simply unaware that these symptoms aren’t considered normal. However, if you suspect you have a hormone deficiency, getting your levels checked is of the utmost importance to restoring your health and quality of life. At Belfiore Wellness Center, we offer our male and female patients bioidentical hormone pellet therapy with BioTE as well as sublingual, topical and injectable forms of hormone therapy to optimize hormone levels and reinvigorate your life.


Hormones are chemicals in the body that rule most of your bodily functions, from things like energy levels and mood to reproduction and libido. When hormone levels begin to drop due to age or underlying health conditions, all of these bodily functions can start to suffer. Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) works to supplement your body with the hormones you require — testosterone or estrogen — using wholly natural hormone replacements that are identical to those found in the human body.

BioTE hormone pellets are roughly the size of a grain of rice and are inserted just below the skin’s surface to seamlessly deliver the hormone you need for months before being safely absorbed by the body. BHRT can also be administered via injections or a topical gel depending on your preference. As every patient’s symptoms and hormone levels will differ, so will their hormone optimization treatment plan. BioTE hormone pellets can last anywhere from three to six months in the body before another insertion is needed. Within several weeks or months of starting your pellet therapy, you’ll observe noticeable improvements to your symptoms and an improved sense of health and well-being.

  • Decreased libido
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Lower endurance
  • Weight gain
  • Loss of muscle mass
  • Fatigue
  • Cognitive difficulties
  • Mood swings

BHRT may be a suitable treatment option for you if you are suffering from unwanted physical, psychological or sexual changes as a result of declining hormone levels. BHRT is often used to relieve the symptoms of perimenopause and menopause in women and symptoms of andropause, or male menopause, in men. As a natural therapy, BHRT is considered safe and effective for individuals with a confirmed hormone deficiency and can be beneficial for alleviating concerns for both men and women.

Getting older is an inevitable part of life, but it shouldn’t take a toll on your quality of life. If you are starting to notice unwelcome shifts to your moods, energy levels or sex life, it may be time to schedule a consultation at Belfiore Wellness Center. Kristina will work with you to establish your baseline hormone levels and determine whether BHRT will effectively address your concerns. To learn more about hormone optimization, contact our office today at 850-683-1100 to book your appointment.

  • Hot flashes
  • Mood swings
  • Decreased libido
  • Vaginal dryness
  • Fatigue
  • Weight gain
  • Cognitive difficulties

Give us a call at 850-683-1100 or use the form below to schedule appointment.

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